Tuesday, May 19, 2009

23 thingsn@

As everyone can see, I thought blogging would be a wonderful thing to attempt, and actually started a book review blog last summer. I figured I would review all the great books I get to read in the summer when I am not teaching. Well as everyone can also see, it was an overly ambitious idea. My hectic schedule doesn't allow for much blogging......maybe I can try again this year!


Leigh Anne Vrabel said...

It never hurts to try again! And you'll have focused topics to write about, while the program is running, anyway.

It IS hard to make time to blog. I think part of it is that we feel like we have to write Pulitzer-prizewinning material every time out, and it ain't necessarily so.

raklein said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I'm looking forward to trying some new things. Hopefully the class will keep me focused. :)

Kelley B said...

Agreed - making time for a blog is tricky. The only one I've kept up with myself is the youth services blog and that's because it's part of my job. And that blog leaves little room (or desire sometimes!) to blog on my own for anything. Maybe you'll enjoy GoodReads (which I mentioned in another comment) for book reviews and such. It's more communal and you know others are reading your words, which might be more motivating. Loved that first book review though and interested in reading more!